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Welcome to LAPTA website.

LAPTA is a Laboratory of the Department Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Catania dealing with sustainable planning and design of cities and landscapes.

Have a look at our activities.

Latest publications

La Rosa D., Geneletti D., Spyra M.., Albert C. (2017). Special issue on sustainable planning approaches for urban peripheries, Landscape and Urban Planning 165, doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.04.004

Pappalardo, V., La Rosa, D., Campisano A., La Greca P., (2017). The potential of green infrastructure application in urban runoff control for land use planning: A preliminary evaluation from a southern Italy case study. Ecosystem Services. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.04.015 

Geneletti D., La Rosa D., Spyra M.., Cortinovis C. (2017). A review of approaches and challenges for sustainable planning in urban peripheries, Landscape and Urban Planning 165, doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.01.013

La Rosa D., Privitera R., Barbarossa L., La Greca P. (2017). Assessing spatial benefits of urban regeneration programs in a highly vulnerable urban context: A case study in Catania, Italy, Landscape and Urban Planning 157, 180-192, doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.05.031

Fichera A.; Inturri G.; La Greca P.; Palermo V. (2016). ”A model for mapping the energy consumption of buildings, transport and outdoor lighting of neighbourhoods”. Cities 55, 49-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2016.03.011

La Rosa D., Spyra M, Inostroza L., (2016). Indicators of Cultural Ecosystem Services for urban planning: a review. Ecological Indicators 61, 74-89, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.04.028

Hauck J., Albert C., Fürst C., Geneletti D., La Rosa D., Lorz C., Spyra M. (2016). Developing and Applying Ecosystem Service Indicators in Decision-Support at Various Scales, Ecological Indicators 61, 1-5, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.09.037

La Greca P., Martinico F., (2016). Energy and Spatial Planning: A Smart Integrated Approach. In Fistola R., Papa R. (eds). Smart Energy in the Smart City, Springer, pp. 43-59.

Evola G., Fichera A., Gagliano A., Marletta L., Nocera F., Pagano A., Palermo V. (2016). “Application of a mapping tool to plan energy saving at a neighborhood scale”. Energy Proceedia 101, 137-144

Fichera A., Frasca M., Palermo V., Volpe R. (2016). “Application of the complex network theory in urban environments. A case study in Catania”. Energy Proceedia 101,  345–351

La Rosa D., (2016). I servizi Ecosistemici nei contesti metropolitani. Sentieri Urbani 24, 67-70. 

Barbarossa L., La Rosa D., Privitera R., (2016). Costruire la greencity. Disegno urbano ed efficienza energetica per il progetto della città sostenibile. Il Progetto Sostenibile 38, 18-23.

Pappalardo V. (2016). Le città e i rischi territoriali nuovi temi e strumenti per la pianificazione delle aree urbane. Il Progetto Sostenibile 38, 

Pappalardo, V., La Rosa, D., La Greca P., Martinico F., (2015). Aree urbane a rischio allagamento: accrescere le capacità di resilienza con la pianificazione delle infrastrutture verdi. Urbanistica Informazioni 263 s.i “IX giornata di studi INU - Una politica per le città italiane”, Sessione Speciali 1, 40-43
La Rosa D., Privitera R. (2105). Evaluation of ecosystem services along urban-rural transects in southern italy. Acta Geobalcanica 1 (2), 75-82, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18509/AGB.2015.08
Opdam P., Albert C, Fürst C., Grêt-Regamey A., Kleemann J., Parker D., La Rosa D., Schmidt K., Villamor G, Walz A., (2015). Ecosystem services for connecting actors. Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems, 2 (1). Doi: 10.1515/cass-2015-0001

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